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Confronted with a new face of terror

What basically is terrorism, I sometimes wonder? The dictionary defines terrorism as “the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce esp. for political purposes”. When I picked up the Thursday newspaper with my hot cup of chai (I always do that), I was in for a rude shock. The first page of The Times of India was splayed with pictures of the new face of terror ... “the terror attacks in Mumbai.”

Honestly speaking early in the morning when you are confronted with those visuals you can really think of nothing. Same thing has been happening since the beginning of this year. Lives lost, life scarred. Then after many days of lamenting and sadness, life moves on, not only for the people who aren’t affected but also for the people whose lives get permanently altered. What’s the point of such cowardice? Why do the terrorists always make the innocent people suffer? Is it just to prove a point? When will this amphigoric way of making innocent victims suffer stop? The common man on the roads taking the morning train or bus just to reach their work place on time is always apprehensive of whether he is going to return home or not. Be it Delhi, Hyderabad, Guwahati or Mumbai…Everyday this man wakes up takes the step towards his mundane life, doing what he does always and there comes a catastrophe like MUMBAI TERROR ATTCKS..

10 desperadoes completely jeopardized the lives of not only the common man but this time the who’s who of the high society were also sucked into the whirlpool of horror. 59 hours of blood shed and a small flicker of optimism coupled together with endless wait (at least that’s what it seemed.) people martyred, people victimized. The last few days were a combination of a huge drama of terrorism. Who could have thought that a stay or even being associated with TAJ could mutate their lives forever? The FATEFUL Wednesday and the following macabre tale of war that was waged between our heroes (ATS, Mumbai Cops, the army and the NSG) and the terrorists came to end on Saturday finally. We all mourn; we are covered with a shroud of fear. The question of ‘will I be the next one?’ always comes to one’s mind.

When will this end? When can we walk the streets again, having not to worry about death? I guess that would be an utopist world.

Just wanted to share my thoughts with you guys...about the MUMBAI MASSACRE..

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